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Re: Donuts....

To: Sally or Dick Taylor <tr6taylor@webtv.net>,
Subject: Re: Donuts....
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 06:13:39 -0500
Hi Dick,

Hmmmm....  I hope I'm not wrong about this.

My understanding is the only difference betwen the solid wheel hubs and the 
wire wheel ones is the 
length on the the lug bolts. The solid wheel lug bolts are 5/8" longer and 
won't fit with the wire 
wheels. So, some folks on the list keep the longer solid wheel lug bolts and 
use a 5/8" spacer to 
fit between the wire wheel splined hub extension and the normal hub. In that 
way they can use either 
solid wheels or wire wheels. They remove the 5/8" spacer when using solid 
wheels. Or so I 
understand...  :-)

Don Malling

Sally or Dick Taylor wrote:
>  Don----I know it takes a conversion hub to go from solid wheels to the
> wire type, but I'm not up on whether one can carry a spare that still is
> of the solid type.  Nor do I know if the aerosol flat-fixer will work
> satisfactorily in an inner tube. If I ran with wires and had my mind set
> on not carring a spare of any sort, I would probably test this repair
> method in the sanctity of my garage to see if it worked.  I can't even
> visualize a space-saver wire wheel. 
> I think it was Peter Z. that had a list of cars that ran with the 4x4.5
> bolt pattern. These cars no doubt had the space saver tire in their
> trunk. Peter?
> Dick

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