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To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Flags
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 1998 15:38:37 -0600
The last thing I want to do is extend this thread unnecessarily, but . . .

I'm somewhat stunned that it's taken several days and some three dozen posts
to bring out the relevant facts regarding blue flags (solid blue vs blue
w/stripe; stationary vs waving; driver responsibilities vs penalties; SCCA
vs FIA vs Vintage rules; yada, yada]. 

Clearly the original question was not nearly as "stupid" as it was
immediately portrayed; equally clearly, there are some folks who "think"
they know what a blue flag means - but in fact don't. 

Having had some experience as a driver and a corner worker over the past 30
years, it's hard for me to understand how someone would think it appropriate
to show a corner worker "the single finger salute" in response to a
stationary blue flag. Given the number of drivers who ignore their mirrors
as soon as the green flag falls, I'd just as soon let the corner workers err
on the side of letting a driver know that someone's close behind them. With
40 cars on the course, it's asking a bit much to expect corner workers to
remember which car was behind you on the last lap of that epic struggle
you're involved in.

And if someone asks what a blue flag means, it might be in our own interest
to just tell them rather than questioning their intelligence, their club
affiliation or their competition experience. And don't just tell them that
"It's the passing flag".

enough . . .

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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