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Re: Flags

To: Vintage Race <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Flags
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1998 15:10:01 -0800
In his own inimitible fashion, Myles does make a good point. One of the
reasons for always attending the drivers' meeting IS to find out what
flags will be in use at that event. They are supposed to show them to
you. At least that way, you can't use the excuse, "I never saw that flag
before." Just as a silly example, the white flag means something very
different at a NASCAR or USAC event. Since most of us race with several
organizations, who in turn, may subcontract various other organizations
to work the corners, it pays to know which flag is which before you get
in the car. If you actually had an old Indy roadster, you might very
well end up racing with 2 different groups where the white flag meant 2
different things.

Re, the blue flag, at the last CSRG event, I didn't see it the whole 
weekend. I was the last place car. I know very well I'm going to be the
last place car, or close to it. If I don't see the blue flag the whole
weekend, it makes me think the corner workers are not doing enough. They
might think I'm doing an excellent job of pointing the other cars by (the
other drivers do), but I would rather see the flag than not. I'd rather
see a blue flag when I'm already pointing the other car by than not see
a blue flag when I'm not aware there's a car closing on me. I hope CSRG
goes back to having SCCA corner workers. Maybe this other group CSRG uses
just needs to have it explained to them that we NEED those blue flags
with such significant speed differentials.

Are we done roasting this turkey? ;=)

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