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Re: Flags

To: "Fred Schwarz" <>,
Subject: Re: Flags
From: "Irv Korey" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 22:51:46 -0600
From: Fred Schwarz <>

> The SCCA Blue Flag is strictly an informational flag. Nothing more. It
only means that the corner worker is telling that there is > someone close
behind you (still flag), or someone is approaching very quickly (ususally
being tilted back and forth - there's no such > thing as a waving blue
flag). It doesn't mean you have to "give" the corner away.

A GOOD blue flagger will not blue flag the same cars lap after lap. Once
he/she has seen them together 1 or 2 times, the flagger should know that
the drivers are aware of each other. 

You should also be aware that many vintage events do not require flaggers
to be SCCA members/license holders, and very often the corners are manned
by inexperienced workers who are learning on the job. 


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