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To: vintage race list <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Flags
From: Jack W Drews <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 1998 08:05:39 -0500
Re: Blue flags:  Doncha just love it when you're in a heated battle with
another car, racing nose to tail for lap after lap, and a corner worker
gives you the blue flag (FIA no stirpe, SCCA, stripe) every lap? The
first time it startles me, because I always assume that I'm being passed
by a faster car, a frequent occurrence for me -- then it irritates me
that the corner worker is oblivious to the skill, daring, and heroism
I'm displaying in staying ahead of the guy ---


Only thing that irritates me more is blatant disregard of yellows --
especially waving yellows. We all take turns criticising SCCA, but when
I raced SCCA, the "no passing under the yellow" rule was very strictly
enforced and universally respected. This year at Road America two of us
came to an 'incident' at the kink - car smashed, tow truck there,
workers there, yellow flag waving, and a guy tried to pass us. We spread
out in two-abreast formation to keep the jerk behind us. (Maybe that
made us jerks, too.)
uncle jack
TR4 Rallye Replica vintage racer

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