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Ecurie Ecosse

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Ecurie Ecosse
From: (Patrick Young)
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 1997 11:11:33 +0800
Ciao Susan,

>Yeah, there's always an Italian connection!!! Had to be!
>A Canadian Alfisti recounted this story to us a long time ago. He
>purchased an Alfa 2600 Sprint done up in the blue colours of Ecurie
>Ecosse. Here's why. The car was formerly the property of David Murray,
>the manager of the EE team, who, it is said, left Scotland under
>"peculiar" circumstances and lived out his days in Canada.
>Would love to know more, where's the car now, etc. -can anybody fill in
>the blanks?

As far as I recall, Ecurie Ecosse owner David Murray went a tad
spectacularly bust in the late 1960s and then went to I think a part of the
Carribean where he reposed in the sort of splenbdour which was reserved for
British people who had grown fed up with the Inland Revenue's increasingly
vicious ways (hey, don't think that mass production killed the British
coachbuilding industry, hell, no, it was the taxman).

I wasn't aware he lived in Canada, although I will ask a few "EE" friends
next time I see them to get the precise story.



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