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Re: Magnets on your petrol and Slick50

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Magnets on your petrol and Slick50
From: (Jim Isbell)
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 08:23:05 -0700 (MST)
TJ said:

>Let me get this straight.  Simon's original post, which made no mention
>of you and made no reference by which one could reasonably conclude it
>was directed at you, was, in fact, directed at you, personally.

Jim replies:

I didnt say that.  I said it directed me to keep my mouth shut as I am one 
of the group of people he was addressing, i.e. the group of people who had 
success with what he implied was snake oil.

TJ said:

>However, your post, although you quote Simon directly, and employ the
>personal pronoun "you", is nevertheless not directed at him, personally.

Jim replies:

Yes it was directed at him personaly, but it was not a personal attack, it 
was a statement of supported fact.  The evidence was there that he had a 
closed mind.  He first stated HIS opinion then attempted to cut off dabate 
by saying he didnt want to hear any opposing comments.  Cant get much more 
colsed than that.

TJ said:

>Little wonder that you are not comfortable having your comments
>commented upon in public.

Jim replies:

I have no problem with this but I'll bet there are others that dont want to 
hear it.

You know, I dont have any problem with locking horns with Simon.  Every now 
and then a couple of bulls do go head to head, but its the damned wimpy 
cyotes that sit around waiting for the fight then jump in biting at the 
hindquarters that realy get me pissed.

Learn the rules od debate before you start an attack.

Go suck eggs TJ.  (Thats a personal attack)  I wont respond to any more of 
your snipping unless it has something to do with cars.


 on board 44' ketch "Millennium Falcon"
         "Its the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve 
                                        Han Solo


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