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Re: Sydney circuits

To: mike jackson <>
Subject: Re: Sydney circuits
From: Jack W Drews <>
Date: Sat, 06 Dec 1997 09:07:33 -0500
mike jackson wrote:
 I get the biggest grin in my
> helmet when I feel the ass end of my TR3 rise up and rotate around going
> over madness.  And when I'm hanging on for dear life going thru turn one
> with the throttle wide open, petrified that I'll run out of track and
> then end up with two wheels on the curb.  I can feel the rush right now
> if I close my eyes.

Cut it out, already!!!! Talking about these thrills to racers in the
middle of winter is like talking sex in a (male) army barracks --

I did one of those rotate the rear end jobs as M-O early on and the
rotation ended up being a big 360. I learned a great amount of respect
for that spot.

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