> I have to say I haven't felt the need for a sway bar. What
> is the opinion
> of the List on sway bars, whether
> they're needed, and all that?
Depends entirely on how you drive the car, IMO. Drive it moderately, like a
restored classic, and you'll never miss the (anti) sway bar.
But if you want to drive it anything like a sports car ...
One of my local clubs does a run every year over Angeles Crest Highway,
which runs up and over the top of the nearby San Gabriel mountains. Very
scenic drive. Of course, we always obey the speed limits, this is just a
pleasant cruise, not a speed contest. Some years ago, a fellow club member
with a _very_ correct TR3, right down to the wide sidewalls, was behind me
and my somewhat modified (including front & rear sway bars) TR3A. He
commented to me later at brunch how he was having a hard time keeping up ...
I replied that it seemed kind of slow to me <G>
Gary (whose last name I've forgotten - Sorry !) sent me a copy of an old Car
and Driver article that noted "... [it] would lure you into a corner all
cozily understeering the way you'd expect from a car with 2-liters worth of
good stout cast iron way up front, then throw up it's hands and bumble off
backwards." To me, that is a wonderful description of a stock TR3's
handling. IMO the front sway bar does wonders for the "throw up it's hands"
part, and the rear sway bar helps take care of the "cozily understeering"
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