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RE:WHAT TO DO? Dealing with people that have no honor.

To: Triumph list <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: RE:WHAT TO DO? Dealing with people that have no honor.
From: Brian Kemp <>
Date: Sat, 07 Mar 1998 13:50:01 -0800
Driving is a privilege and a responsibility.  It is not a right.  Her
behavior is illegal and inexcusable.  Take care of yourself and your
car.  Also think about the next person she may run into.  Make the
report so she has get insurance.  Don't let her and her father get away
with this.

If your car was legally parked, you can't be held responsible for this
accident.  My insurance company didn't raise my rates for either of the
claims they paid on my daily driver because I was not deemed to be at
fault.  I'd expect the same from yours.  You might also want to call
your company and ask questions (you don't have to tell them who you
are).  My insurance company will only raise my rates due to accidents if
they pay a claim.

You can make the claim now, get the settlement, then put it in the bank
to make interest until you get around to the repaint.

Brian Kemp, Los Angeles

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