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Re: WHAT TO DO? Dealing with people that have no honor.

To: "Triumphs" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: WHAT TO DO? Dealing with people that have no honor.
From: "unicorn7" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 1998 22:11:22 -0600charset="us-ascii"
To h**l with 'em, file the report, with a copy of the police report, turn
them in to the police for lack of insurance, tell the local sheriff, nail
them to the wall, money is only a part of the question, people like these
don't deserve the privilege of driving in this country.  You can also see
about getting a lien against the Van for damage done to you, have the
daughter hauled in for hit and run (she should know better, she should have
had driver training of some sort in this country), and do whatever you can
to get the law involved and make life miserable for them.  If you really
want to have some fun, find out if he has a job and go to his place of
business and tell his employers about this (make sure he sees you go in to
do this) if he is self employed, you can cause a small scene there while
there are lots of customers around, eventually with enough of the right kind
of pressure, he may come around.  The opportunities are endless if you want
to stick it to him (legally) but in the long run, like you said, it may not
be worth the costs involved (small claims costs money, first you have to get
the judgment, BTW, why didn't the cops nail them for lack of insurance?).

Well, good luck, I've had to deal with Saudi's a lot (Air Force) they are
very different in how they handle personal responsibility. in this
situation, in his mind, it was either your fault (impossible for it to be
his) or the will of Allah

Dave Korzun
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Johnson <>
To: Justin Wagner <>
Cc: Usual Suspects <>
Date: Friday, March 06, 1998 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: WHAT TO DO? Dealing with people that have no honor.

>I seem to recall that you got a police report. I'm confused about your
>coverage, though. Do you have uninsured motorist property damage? (Pays for
>damage to your car by an uninsured driver)
>If you have collision coverage you can go through your policy, pay your
>deductible and your ins. company can subrogate and go after the owner of
>van or the driver to get back what they paid you. Normally, they will also
>ask for your deductible also.You should  fill out the DMV report because
>that way they have leverage over the perpretrator ( or in your case- the
>lying scumbag)- nobody wants to lose their license. Also, the general
>has a right to know who the bad drivers are.
>The streets are full of people with no honor. The best thing we law-abiding
>citizens can do is use the system to make them pay. If they can afford to
>drive a van, they can afford to pay when they make a mistake.
>Just make sure you get a copy of the police report. They won't raise your
>rate if  the accident was someone else's fault.
>Also, allowing your insurance company to handle the problem takes the onus
>off you. The downside is that if the company doesn't pay out much they
>probably won't go after the perp with any gusto. They'll make some motions
>and that'll be  about it. The key is filing the DMV report. My advice is to
>not roll over and take a hit-that only encourages dishonest people to
>continue their ways.
>Just my .02 worth.
>Jeff Johnson
>'76 TR6
>original owner
>Justin Wagner wrote:
>> I'm looking for some opinions here...
>> You may recall, my car was backed into a few days ago.  (It was parallel
>> parked on the street, and the driver of a van, walked right by my car,
>> seeing it was there... got in her van... and backed right into me.
>> Obviously, just not thinking, and careless mistake.)
>> You may also recall... the father of the driver claiming "YOU GET
>> NOTHING, YOU HIT ME"...  and after giving me minimal "insurance"
>> information, ordered his daughter away...which led to me calling the
>> police, etc. etc.
>> Anyways...
>> Turns out... They do not have current insurance.
>> I called the driver, she is now taking her father's line, "I didn't hit
>> you"...
>> And the van had been full of their entire family...  I have no doubt...
>> that they will all now take that line, if asked to bear witness... I'm
>> sure their father has taught them all well how to be liars.
>> The question is...
>> I have insurance, he doesn't.
>> I had asked for $300.00 to settle the damage, but I'm sure it will be
>> over $500.00 if I were to get an estimate.
>> If I notify DMV of the accident... and report that it is over $500.00 in
>> damage, she will lose her license for a year... regardless of any court
>> decision regarding "fault"... BUT...
>> If I make that report... MY insurance company will see it... and
>> probably (in my experience) raise my insurance in the future.  (I have a
>> clean record, but let's just imagine that I got a speeding ticket or
>> something later this add to this.)
>> I could also simply go straight to my own insurance company... where I
>> do have coverage if the other driver is not insured... (I don't have
>> comprehensive, otherwise.)  ...but, once again... this will only lead to
>> higher insurance costs in the future... (one way or another...)
>> I was planning to paint my car later in the year anyways... I feel like
>> I should just take a bite... and let this thing go...  let her karma
>> follow her...  rather than stress myself... risk higher insurance
>> costs... and... risk possible harassment from their family... (as I
>> wouldn't be surprised if these people... who have no honor nor
>> integrity, might just seek to reprisals for whatever I, the evil
>> american dog, may do...
>> comments?
>> --Justin

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