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Spit 5 speed

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Spit 5 speed
From: "Gregory W. Smith" <gsmith@cvn.net>
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2000 00:37:15 -0500
I am aware that the 75 & 76 TR7 used the spit 4-speed gearbox, but later
moved to the 5-speed. I have 2 of the 5 speed transmissions (one known good,
one in unknown shape) and would love to place one in the Spit. Has anyone
looked into this further?

It would seem to me that the flat plate on the back of the 1500 engine could
be replaced with one that the TR7 5 speed bellhousing would mate to, thereby
using TR7 bellhousing and gearbox.

Obviously, the clutch and starter would be a bit tricky too...

Gregory W. Smith      http://users.desupernet.com/gsmith/
Member, Central Pennsylvania Triumph Club
1980 Spitfire 1500 "for the wife" :)
1980 TR7 Spider v8 (in progress)
1980 TR7 30th Anniversary Edition (deceased)

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