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Re: Web Sites

Subject: Re: Web Sites
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 18:55:07 EST
Sorry, but I don't seem to have any trouble at 99% of the websites I visit.  
I'm using an antiquated (in computer terms) homebuilt AT style PC with an AMD 
K62 350mhz CPU, Win95 and AOL's (Internet Explorer 5.0) built-in browser.  
Hardly the latest or greatest machine!  I rarely have problems viewing any 
websites and have found shopping on the Internet a generally pleasing 
experience.  Summit Racing's site seems to work especially well on my 

If you want to minimize your problems I suggest you think about upgrading 
your software or hardware and maybe only visiting those websites that work.  
(Sorry, I'm not sure which one of your lists that puts me on - maybe you need 
another list?)  I do know different browsers support different levels of 
encryption though, and from a security standpoint it may be in your best 
interests to be using a more current version.  (I'm not familiar with 
Netscape 4.7's encryption - you might want to ask you're local computer 

Don't misinterpret my e-mail.  I do think you should keep complaining to the 
webmasters when a site you visit doesn't work to your satisfaction.  I'm 
convinced a lot of these companies don't actually visit their own websites 
and may be unaware of the problems actual users are experiencing.  In any 
case, good luck with your tirades against these more "up-to-date" companies!
Donny V
'78 MGB,  '89 Saab 900S

In a message dated 3/14/02 8:48:52 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> Subj:  Web Sites
>  Date:    3/14/02 8:48:52 AM Eastern Standard Time
>  From: (Barrie Robinson)
>  Sender:
>  Reply-to:    <A HREF="";></A> 
(Barrie Robinson)
>  To:,,
>  Folks,
>  It may be of interest to some that my rant regarding unfriendly web sites 
>  has resulted in 74 responses (with more to be read) agreeing with me and 
>  one that excused the practice and one sort of sided with the 
>  practice.  Please lambast these offending organizations so..
>  And by the way, buying car parts is an LBC activity
>  "Gentlemen, start your engines"
>  Regards
>  Barrie
>  Barrie Robinson -

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