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RE: Web Sites

To: Randall Young <>,,
Subject: RE: Web Sites
From: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 13:33:32 -0500

You may be interested to learn that a very prominent organization that is a 
major supplier for our LBCs has got in touch with me saying they are taking 
into consideration the concerns expressed regarding "over-tech'ed" web 
sites.  Obviously they are a "lister"- and a listener! They do not wish to 
have the same problems with frustrated customers.  They do not wish to be 
identified at present.

At 04:30 PM 3/14/02 -0800, Randall Young wrote:
> > If you want to minimize your problems I suggest you think about upgrading
> > your software or hardware and maybe only visiting those websites
> > that work.
>Just to be clear, Barrie's problem with Summit's site is not Netscape, but
>rather that he has deliberately disabled cookies.  Upgrading won't help,
>unless he upgrades to a browser that won't let him disable cookies <g>


Barrie Robinson -

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