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RE: Web Sites

To: David Rasch <>,,
Subject: RE: Web Sites
From: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 12:41:46 -0500

You must be joking.  I stay away from Microsoft!   Not only are all the 
virus problems in that area but I do not like being forced in a direction 
that suits THEM.   Their business methods I deplore (I am in the software 
business) and there are much better programs around.

At 10:51 AM 3/12/02 -0500, David Rasch wrote:
>There is an easy solution to your problem.  Don't use Netscape.   Web sites
>are increasingly incompatible with Netscape in any of its versions.  The
>pace of technological advance is fairly rapid and it is not reasonable to
>expect companies to stick to outdated technology and still stay competitive,
>especially when it comes to the World Wide Web.  Netscape version 4.7 is at
>least a couple of years old and in internet terms that is several lifetimes.
>Might I suggest that you give Internet explorer a try.  Most of the worlds
>web sites are built to be compatible with it.
>David Rasch
>V.P. Provider Services,
>Network Administrator,
>Production Manager
>Vernova, Inc.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Barrie Robinson []
>Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 8:06 PM
>Subject: Web Sites
>I rarely get on my high horse but I am becoming increasingly annoyed at
>companies that insist you  have the latest browser in order to use their
>web sites.  I tried to order from Summit Racing but it would not
>work.  Then I found that I have to have Netscape 6 and it would not work
>with my 4.7.  I don't know about you but I am happy with 4.7 and I do not
>want the invasiveness of 6.  I am making it my policy to send a message of
>despair to such companies about their practice. They only want the updated
>versions so they can make it convenient for their marketing efforts.  I do
>not have the time to continually update software and I want service not
>technical goading.
>May I suggest that if you have the same problems you unleash your ire!  Why
>cannot they take a leaf from LBC Co's book?
>Barrie Robinson -


Barrie Robinson -

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