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vacuum wipers

Subject: vacuum wipers
From: Lewis Dunbar Dove <>
Date: Thu, 29 Dec 1994 14:25:11 -0600 (CST)
        I also remember the double, or dual action fuel pumps of the
late 40's, 50's and possibly early 60's. GM was very fond of them.
They certainly were better than manifold vacuum directly.  As I
recall the vacuum pump side even had a tiny dome that served as a
vacuum reservoir.  Unfortunately, prolonged low vacuum conditions
still led to slowing of the wipers with attendant problems.  Passing
several cars in succession  or climbing a long steep grade was enough
to cause problems.  Is that what causes cruise controls with vacuum
reservoirs to disengage under those conditions?  Always wondered
about them newfangled things.
        What I had in mind was apparently what Ford used in the 50's
in Britain, according to an earlier note.  I'm sorry I lost the note;
not getting any younger, you know. Who am I? --- oh yes
                Lew Dove

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