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vacuum wipers

Subject: vacuum wipers
From: Lewis Dunbar Dove <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 09:56:32 -0600 (CST)
        Yes, I have had a lot of experience with vacuum wipers too.
It is interesting that back in the 20's when the first Model A Fords
came out, the vacuum wipers were considered more desirable than the
electric kind; both were better than the hand-operated Model T
version!  One drive with Emma, my 28 Ford in the rain convinced me
that vacuum wipers would have been better. Emma's electrics are SLOW.
Anyway, by the late 30's and 40's electrics were coming into their
own in the US, with two and three speed motors fairly common.
        I am surprised that vacuum reservoirs for wipers were not
more common.  After all, vacuum sources were used in lieu of fuel
pumps at one time; remember those?
                        Lew Dove

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