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Re: question about SM2 rules

To: james creasy <>,
Subject: Re: question about SM2 rules
From: "Pat Kelly" <>
Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2002 18:00:46 -0800
In your logic that might be true, but SM2 was tested at Nationals and seemed
to pass the test. :) It has set rules nationally, while OSP has local rules.
You'll see "OSP" used in many regions but they are all different, to some
When did SFR expand the Street Category to include your car? By its
acceptance into OSP? That doesn't relate, in my opinion.
--Pat Kelly

>From: "james creasy" <>
>To: "Pat Kelly" <>, <>
>Subject: Re: question about SM2 rules
>Date: Fri, Nov 1, 2002, 5:25 PM

> i know OSP isnt a national class.  BUT,
> is SM2 a national class now?  the site says: "is a new optional Regional
> class beginning in 2002".
> so if the San Francisco Regions adopts the SM2 class as an optional regional
> class and OSP is also an SF regional class, then it follows that my car is
> legal for SM2 because our region has expanded the Street Prepared Category
> to include my car.
> -james
> SM #74
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Pat Kelly" <>
>> James,
>> I think the only place where a repro car, or kit such as yours, is
> eligible
>> is in A Prepared, or maybe E Modified. OSP is a regional only class and
> has
>> little or no relationship to the National classes, such as SM2.
>> --Pat Kelly
>> ----------
>> >From: "james creasy" <>
>> >To: <>
>> >Subject: question about SM2 rules
>> >Date: Fri, Nov 1, 2002, 5:01 PM
>> >
>> > im trying to see if my car is legal for SM2.
>> >
>> > ive attached some rules text below, however it  excludes "Two seater
> cars
>> > not eligible for Street Prepared Category "
>> >
>> > my question is "is Open Street Prepared part of the Street Prepared
>> > Category"?, and if it isnt, then the SM2 rules only includes cars that
> are
>> > legal in other Street Prepared classes, so therefore any car not legal
> in
>> > existing Street Prepared class will be excluded from SM2, so why would
> the
>> > driver participate in SM2 rather than their regular class?
>> >
>> > -james
>> >
>> >
>> > STREET MOD 2 (SM2):
>> > All two seater cars, not excluded below.
>> > All SM eligible sedans/coupes excluded from SM for failure to meet
> weight
>> > and/or displacement limits.
>> > Excluded Vehicles:
>> > Lotus (all)
>> > Two seater cars not eligible for Street Prepared Category

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