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Re: Nationals (something I liked)

To: "Linnhoff, Eric" <>,
Subject: Re: Nationals (something I liked)
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 16:30:47 -0500
Sorry, Eric, but you are talking apples and oranges here.

Stock class cars (including STS like yours) are designed to run forever,
idle while remaining cool, etc.

P and M cars are not. They are designed for cooling by having air pushed
through a radiator at speed. They are not designed to idle endlessly. They
don't have to sit in traffic, wait for red lights, drive at 10 mph through
crowded mall parking lots, or run up 12,000 miles a year on the odometer. P
and M cars are not built for that purpose, so expecting them to endure the
stresses of cars that are, is unreasonable. They are built for brief bursts
of performance in the overt recognition that the very aspects that provide
that performance make them wholly unsuitable for regular street-type

To say that a P/M car should not overheat, should carry
generators/alternators, should always start easily with on-board power, is
like saying we should all have DOT treaded tires, windshields and headlights
so we can do the same things your car can (i.e. play in traffic). The whole
point of P and M is we do not want to do the same things your car can, we
want something more (or at least something different).

My car is a race car. Yours is a street car. That does not mean either is
better (although each has aspects that is better than the other). It only
means they are different. Thus, they have different expectations and require
different treatment and considerations.

This is not a "responsibility" issue. It is a matter of imposing a procedure
that runs contrary to the design philosophy of at least two entire
categories of cars. My responsibility is to build a legal car for my class.
This I have.

If you want to sit idling in a line 10 cars long, feel free. Just don't
insist that I do the same. And I won't insist you put an 8-point rollcage
and a scattershield into your car.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Linnhoff, Eric" <>
To: "'autox'" <>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: Nationals (something I liked)

> -----Original Message-----
> My car comes off the course hot and wants to go right back to its grid
> and cool. It may not start easily -- or at all -- when still hot after
> weighed. And on a P car with no generator/alternator, each additional
> sucks more juice from the battery and leaves me more vulnerable to a
> non-start late in the game. I can see that procedure of weighing when we
> come off the course as increasing my starts threefold. And doing as many
> two of them per run on a hot car reluctant to start that cranks and cranks
> just pulls the battery down all the more.
> ===============================
> I'm not picking on any one person, but this sounds like the driver's
> problem, not Impound's.  It's not Impound's, or any one else's, fault that
> particular car was built "insufficiently" for the task at hand purely due
> the owner's desires.
> Personally, I would never field a car that is prone to overheating by
> idling in grid, or won't restart under it's own power because it requires
> off-board battery to do so.  That's my choice and I would have to live
> the weight penalties.  At the same time I refuse to listen to arguments
> someone who runs with no on-board battery or alternator or generator just
> save weight and then cries because their car can't be restarted.
> C'mon folks, it's time to get acquainted with a nice little philosophy of
> mine called "personal responsibility" in which one accepts all
> from their actions without trying to place the blame on someone else.
> Eric Linnhoff in KC
> 1998 Dodge Neon R/T (see-dan)
> STS #69   TLS #13
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