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Re: Nationals (something I liked)

To: Richard Atkins <>,
Subject: Re: Nationals (something I liked)
From: Eric Linnhoff <>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2001 21:27:00 -0700
----- Original Message -----
> When I hear all of the "the world coming to an end" because this or that
> stock car has been moved to a different class for next year,(and we hear
> every year) I keep my ideas to myself as I don't run stock.
> Why don't you pick on STS, let P take care of itself.
But it does affect me because I plan to field a P car myself someday soon.
Just as the reclassing of Stock cars does affect you since it affects the
club.  Remember, nearly 60% of the National's entrants drove Stock Cars this

Your argument reminds me of a story about the whole gun banning scene.  At
first the Government banned and confiscated all the evil looking "assault"
weapons.  When the owners resisted and were thrown in jail they lobbied for
support from fellow gun owners but were not helped because in the words of
the duck and deer hunters, "no one needs those kinds of guns".  Next they
rounded up anything that held over 5 rounds of ammunition.  When the owners
of those guns resisted and were jailed they cried out for help.  Their pleas
fell upon deaf ears as the duck and deer hunters didn't think it affected
them or that anyone should have "those types of guns".  Next came the
handgun roundup and again after resisting the owners were thrown in jail and
the plea for help went out.  But once again the duck and deer hunters didn't
rally behind them because "nobody needs that kind of gun".

Finally they came for the duck and deer guns and the hunters cried for help,
but nobody else was left to fight for them.

Get it?  If you, me, everybody doesn't take the smallest issue to heart it
may one day actually be your issue that's at stake and there won't be anyone
left to fight for you.

So yeah, P and M issues do affect me as Stock and STS issues should affect

Eric Linnhoff in KC
'98 Neon R/T (see-dan)
#69 STS   #13 TLS

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