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Re: Speed Creep... Foster saves us again

To: "Chris Shepard" <>
Subject: Re: Speed Creep... Foster saves us again
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 10:52:41 -0400
> <delurk>
> Growing tired of this tedious thread, and looking closely
> at this last message, I would have to agree with most people out here
> that there isn't a whole lot of valuable autox content in your
> posts.
> Save us some bandwidth, would ya?

If you want to start a thread about autocrossing feel free to do so. Perhaps
I'll even share my opinion with you. But when someone posts a message that
has absolutely no autocross content but is entirely a personal insult I feel
I have to respond.

First I tried an insult back but I felt bad about it and apologized. Then I
come in this mornimg and find this guy is apparently as close to being a
potential stalker as I have ever come across. How many times do you drive to
remote locations 1000 miles from where you live and ask people to point out
to you people you apparently hate enough to flame over and over again on a
public forum?

But fear not. There are two potent weapons at your disposal. Simply create
an email filter looking for all occurances of my name (I try to always sign
my posts), or use the key that is labeled 'delete' on your keyboard. Then
you won't even have to post non-autocross related posts telling me to stop
with my non-autocross-related posts.

Fair enough?

Paul Foster

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