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Re: Speed Creep!

Subject: Re: Speed Creep!
From: "Don Kline" <>
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 23:14:46
Mark Sipe wrote: "Furthermore, if you were to poll the drivers at this event 
I believe you'll find the number of people who share in your opinion to be 
extremely small."
This was in response to another entrants comments on speeds at an event.

This weekend we (christians) celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus 
Christ.  He was put to death because of majority rule.

Nothing against Mark's sttement however you almost never hear anyone mention 
that a "fast" event wasn't "fun".  Thankfully this was a Tour event where 
(hopefully) the preponderence of entrants were experienced.  For a relative 
newcomer to the sport however the higher speeds are not representative of 
what he's been "training" on before coming to the event.  This may lead to a 
tendency to "overdrive" in a effort to keep up and if there is a mistake his 
lack of experience may lead to something less than pleasant.  An error in 
judgement leaves less room for error.

What if the SuperBowl if the game were played on a 60 yard long field??  
Each play would be more critical, less room for error, and probably a higher 
scoring game.  It would be a lot more exciting to watch, but is this the 
same game played all year??

Let's have the World Series of Baseball played on 7 different sized and 
dimensioned "diamonds".  Same game.....just different.

Nomex on and standing under the fire hose,
All who believe in God's Son have eternal life.


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