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Re: How cold is it where you are?

Subject: Re: How cold is it where you are?
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 16:33:07 -0800
Oh, well...

 1. Earthquake
        The biggest earthquake in the contiguous U.S. altered the course of the
Mississippi River, was south of Saint Louis. I guess that's far enough
away? I think it was around 1820.
> 2. A brushfire that destroys multiple square miles.
        Nothing that can burn? :-)
> 3. Mudslides(They just don't happen here)
        No hills that can slide?
> 4. A four hour long "Rush hour"
        Depends on where you are and what time you drive. We work out of our 
--Pat Kelly
With big smile

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