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RE: How cold is it where you are?

To: "Jeff Lloyd" <>
Subject: RE: How cold is it where you are?
From: "Bill Fuhrmann" <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 18:58:06 -0600
> eric and all, I know I have had winshield washer fluid freeze on the
> winsheld too many times, it really does not need to be that
> cold!!, however
> I had REALLY good luck with the stuff my Z3 came loaded with, it was not
> blue it was a clear/pink, I have not found it since, maby it's a dealer

Blue or pink, only a change in which dye they put in.  The big thing is the
ratio of alcohol to water.  That is the whole recipe, alcohol, water, and
color.  Check the freezing temperature on the bottle.  The colder the
better.  It is isn't marked, it can't be all that good.

The largest maker in the country (Fox, aka Splash) is in St. Paul, MN.  When
I was in the custom automation business, I went there to quote a system for
adding automated controls to their batching equipment.

If you can't find any that matches your needs locally, just get some alcohol
and spike what you have.

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