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Re: The REAL Issue

Subject: Re: The REAL Issue
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 23:58:25 EST
Mike Smith writes:

> It never did. At least as far as American V8 cars go anyway.... The very
> first thing done to any of those cars upon delivery was a camshaft swap,
> especially the 70's cars. Hello Prepared. For me, that's been the whole
> problem with SP. You can do things in excess of Prepared in some areas, but
> not in excess of stock in others. The areas that were targeted for either

Camshafts were discussed at the time, but we had very good reasons to not 
include them.  I agree that cam replacements are a common replacement item 
for American V-8s, but it would've opened Pandora's box if we had allowed 
them.  Other than that, everything allowed in SP was common in 1983.


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