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Re: The REAL Issue

To: "A-Team.Net (Group)" <>
Subject: Re: The REAL Issue
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 15:42:14 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000, Roger Johnson wrote:
> Frankly, I am not sure how objective proof for either side of this argument
> might be found.  It is clear, however, that claiming credit for participants
> that would have gotten involved, even under the archaic systems in
> place prior to the Renaissance, is less than honest.

Actually, the recent boom in attendence is because I started autoxing and
everyone wanted to be like me.

Mark  (joined in '98)

(Somewhat more seriously...  When I started autoxing there happened to be
a stock class that fit my car perfectly (Neon ACR) so I didn't have any "I
can never be competitive" issues.  I _have_ seen some novices get all
in a frenzy when they find out their (insert totally common mod. like
subframe connectors) puts them into (insert class where really prepared
cars that don't look much like theirs anymore).  Some stay around anyway,
some go home.  Personally I don't miss the ones that go home.  All that
said, I think SM is neat because it gives _all_ competitors the ability to
build a killer 'street' car and we didn't have a way they could do that

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