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Re: Making the SCCA Into Something It Is Not

To: "msmith2" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Making the SCCA Into Something It Is Not
From: "Roger Johnson" <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 20:07:51 -0500
> Yeah, I remember how many new members the minitruck and go-kart classes
> brought all of us.....
> Obviously, we're not in the habit of continuing classes that nobody shows
> for.....
> Speaking of that, How's Pro Solo doing these days?
> Mike CP58

Pro Solo had record entries in 2000, as did the Tours and the Nationals.
Most regions seem to have been also attracting entries at record levels.

And, we clearly DO  'continue classes that nobody shows up for. . . . .'
F125 is still around, as is STR.

Roger 2

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