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Re: Making the SCCA Into Something It Is Not

To: <>
Subject: Re: Making the SCCA Into Something It Is Not
From: "msmith2" <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 19:55:32 -0500
> Funny you should say that. I feel that way right now. I prepared my street
> 944 Turbo for PCA club racing so I now have a choice of EM or AM. It has
> definitely stifled my desire to come out to a great extent. I found a
> in Orlando (Martin) that uses slightly different classes that allow me to
> run in the class above street tires and I found it a lot more fun. That's
> why I'm all for an OSP-type class or for being included in SM. But if I
> showed up people contend those other 2 people who are new wouldn't want to
> come out anymore. Oh well. :)
> Paul Foster

Given what you just said, I would think you'd WANT Street Modified to
succeed. If it does, SM2 is a real possiblility, and it will probably
address cars that were skipped over before, like yours. The quicker it
succeeds, the quicker you get a more competitive class...

Beyond that, you CHOSE to prep your cars for a different series. It's not
SCCA's responibility to give you an I-class.

That said,  a LOT of people with street race cars, and drag cars that are
still streetable, prepped their cars for other series' or purposes. For a
vast majority of those cars, SM fits darn near perfectly. Without it, they
too only have EM and AM to choose from, and definitely stifles their desire
to come out to play with us.

SM targets those people, and the broadest range of them it can. It also has
the side-effect of attracting SP people who think SP is too restrictive, but
still wanna kick butt on the street sometimes. I've raced in ESP most of the
time over the years. I finally took the plunge and went to CP, mainly
because I think SP has stupid rules about what it does, and does not,
restrict. However, I didn't want a gutted race-only car, nor could I afford
one at the time. There was no place else to go. SM arrived just a little
late for this incarnation of Mikey's racecar.... Otherwise I might be there
instead. Now that I'm transplanted into CP, I'm happy for now. (For the SP
people, if you like your rules, by all means, stay there.... <grin>)

Given time, SM might expand to include more cars. It might not. From what I
get on the SM list, most regions that are supporting it are showing higher
SM, and SM novice entries. Whether or not that starts to show up
divisionally, or nationally, we won't know for a while.

Mike CP58

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