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RE: Making the SCCA Into Something It Is Not

To: "" <>
Subject: RE: Making the SCCA Into Something It Is Not
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 12:25:58 -0500
Eric Linnhoff writes:

 <<<You do NOT want to make IT a national class.  They will very quickly
a very expensive place to race as people "have"to get blue printed engines,
high dollar hand picked parts, etc just to be competitive.  Making IT a
National class would kill it as a "cheap" racing class within 5 years.>>>

I think it is already suffering from those symptoms to a certain extent. I
really don't see why making it a national class would appreciably change
things. Keep in mind that for the most part IT cars are not going to be able
to get the big sponsorship bucks from auto vendors as they tend to for SS
and T classes where the cars are much newer.

<<<Keep dreamin pal.  This would never work on a National basis.  What kind
Fantasy Land are you living in?  It's up to the local regions to entice
workers with carrots.  I'll be very shonest and say that I'm way too selfish
to go work a corner.  I'd rather be driving.  And as a driver, if I have to
pay higher entry fees to be able to dangle more carrots in front of
volunteer corner workers, then so be it.  OTOH, why not make Club Racers
work as a requirement to be able to race?  It works for Solo why would it
not also work for Club Racing?  Hey, Solo cars break too and need attention
between runs.  Or are the Club racers simply that big of a bunch of

>From what I understand corner workers didn't use to need memberships until
the BOD decided to 'reward' Nick Craw with very sizeable bonuses for
increasing membership. One of the ways he did so was to force them to join
and pay dues like everybody else. Some regions are already offering
discounts to workers.

<<<Damn, a sensible idea from Paul.  Who would have thought it possible?

Consider it the same thing as a thousand monkeys pounding keyboards for
years on end and eventually getting lucky. ;-)

Paul Foster

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