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Re: Enforcing the unenforceable

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Re: Enforcing the unenforceable
From: Paul Cezanne <>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 22:36:17 -0500
> >   And ECU that is totaly unenforcable, and you can get some good power
>> there if its done right and if the right guy does it you can tell no
>> differance unless you get inside the code/program.
>You seem to contradict yourself.  It *is* enforcable if you get into the
>code/program, therefore it's just *harder* to enforce.

how do you know what is original factory code?  I strongly suspect 
that the various manufacturers would put running code changes into 
the ECU.

pZ -- Paul Cezanne (formerly Czarnecki)

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