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Re: Enforcing the unenforceable

To: Dan Bettis <>
Subject: Re: Enforcing the unenforceable
From: Jamie Sculerati <>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 16:25:04 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Dan Bettis wrote:

> How do you enfoce the current R/DOT tires.  

Actually, we don't have to -- DOT has their own inspection and enforcement

> How do you test the compounds? 

No current restrictions.

> How do you test ply construction?  To you rip the tire apart ply by ply
> and measure every angle, every thickness of every strand.  What about
> the binders that hold it together. 

Again, whatever standards DOT mandates, they test for.  Now it's certainly
possible to hide a special batch of tires from the process -- and I have
no idea whether the government penalties for stamping "DOT" on a tire
which doesn't meet the spec are worth it to a tire manufacturer.  I don't
even know that it hasn't happened.  I suspect the potential liability
risks weigh against it -- what if a "special" escaped into general
distribution and failed (less likely things have happened)?  It only takes
one motivated lawyer....

Come to think of it -- was anyone in ST running Firestone A/Ts...? :)

'92 Prelude Si
Speed Demon Racing

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