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Re: STS Tire Rules

To: "Loren Williams" <>, "autox list" <>
Subject: Re: STS Tire Rules
From: "Roger Johnson" <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 22:54:03 -0400
As Dennis Grant might clearly tell you Loren, I have NO
negativism about any class - unless the participation numbers
show it to be unworthy of inclusion as a National class.

Some of my best friends run SM.  I have run it myself.  I would
NOT, however, welcome an SM driver as a son-in-law.

This entire discussion began with a hue & cry to have STS as
a full National class.  I do have strong reservations about this
ONLY from the standpoint of the inherent, unworkable, unenforceable
"140" treadwear rule.

You may dismiss these concerns all you wish - you may wish to not
discuss them on the eGroups STS list -  however someone will
have to resolve these issues in the Protest Shed at the Nationals.  Frankly,
I clearly prefer what those of us on the PC had this year on ThFr - NO
protests - to what will assuredly happen should STS gain National
status with the existing tire rule.  That is the level of my 'volunteering',


----- Original Message -----
From: Loren Williams <>
To: autox list <>
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2000 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: STS Tire Rules

> Mark Sirota wrote:
> > > Roger, there is a very simple solution to this dilemma: If you don't
> > > have any interest in competing in a street tire class, don't.  And
> > > don't waste your time arguing against it.
> >
> > You know, that attitude really irks me.  I've heard the same thing over
> > and over whenever I make a comment about a class I'm not in, and I
> > don't think that's fair.
> My intent was not to irk anyone, sorry.  I was a little irked by Roger's
> negativism about a class that I have a great fondness for.
> > Why can't it be that people not in the class have a valid opinion, a
> > good idea, and the energy to volunteer?  Why can't we *help*?  Why
> > can't we work for the good of the sport as a whole?
> He is certainly entitled to his opinion, and I welcome him to share it.
> But there's a difference between sharing an opinion and overstating an
> opinion in a negative manner.  What exactly is he volunteering to do other
> than say "I told you so"?  How is he offerring to help other than to say
> "it will never work"?  What good is he doing the sport by trying to shoot
> down a class that's attracting a great number of young people?
> > It's not fair to claim that Roger doesn't have a vested interest.  He
> > does.  He cares about autocrossing, and that's what we're talking
> > about here.
> Yes, I know he cares.  I know he means well.  I don't always agree with
> him, though.
> Just my opinion.  Doesn't matter any more now than it ever did.
> --
> Loren Williams |
> '94 Saturn SC2 | Wichita Region SCCA -

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