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Re: STS Tire Rules

To: autox list <>
Subject: Re: STS Tire Rules
From: Loren Williams <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 21:15:14 -0500

Mark Sirota wrote:

> > Roger, there is a very simple solution to this dilemma: If you don't
> > have any interest in competing in a street tire class, don't.  And
> > don't waste your time arguing against it.
> You know, that attitude really irks me.  I've heard the same thing over
> and over whenever I make a comment about a class I'm not in, and I
> don't think that's fair.

My intent was not to irk anyone, sorry.  I was a little irked by Roger's
negativism about a class that I have a great fondness for. 

> Why can't it be that people not in the class have a valid opinion, a
> good idea, and the energy to volunteer?  Why can't we *help*?  Why
> can't we work for the good of the sport as a whole?

He is certainly entitled to his opinion, and I welcome him to share it. 
But there's a difference between sharing an opinion and overstating an
opinion in a negative manner.  What exactly is he volunteering to do other
than say "I told you so"?  How is he offerring to help other than to say
"it will never work"?  What good is he doing the sport by trying to shoot
down a class that's attracting a great number of young people?

> It's not fair to claim that Roger doesn't have a vested interest.  He
> does.  He cares about autocrossing, and that's what we're talking
> about here.

Yes, I know he cares.  I know he means well.  I don't always agree with
him, though.

Just my opinion.  Doesn't matter any more now than it ever did.

Loren Williams |
'94 Saturn SC2 | Wichita Region SCCA -

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