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Re: Powder Puffs 'r Us

Subject: Re: Powder Puffs 'r Us
From: Mike Shields <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 19:52:17 -0600
Why oh why am I doing this.....

On 09/25/2000 at 08:54 PM, wrote:

> As one who is "languishing" (and whose co-drivers will enjoy yet
> another set of races tires worth $1000 from my nationals win) I can
> only hope to look up your pantleg from my humble position.
You know this is the thing which most bugs me about ladies classes. Why
is it that someone who (possibly) drives slower than I do gets to take
home contingency money, tires... whatever that I cannot get because of
the fact that we differ in gender. 

I know there are arguments pro and con to ladies classes and I
understand that there are companies out there who like to sponsor a
ladies class (witness the Honda Pro Ladies Challenge a few years back). 
I just feel it's unfair in a sport where gender has no place (or
shouldn't) in determining the outcome. At a National level I'd support
the removal of Ladies classes.

I feel that flaunting the fact that you won $1000 worth of tires in a
class which went ~2.5 seconds slower (which would have placed you, the
CPL winner, in 15th place in CP - still in the trophies may I add, but
down with us slower male drivers who don't have a built in advantage) in
the EXACT same cars is just bad form in my book. Of course your
co-drivers are happy that they got extra $$$ in tires. Double the
results without double the competition, IMO.

If I offend, sorry, but I don't think there's anything anyone can say
which will change my opinion. 

Flame On....


Mike Shields
Webmaster Utah Region SCCA
'99 Arrest-Me-Red Miata Sport Pkg

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