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Re: skirts in mod class question

To: <>
Subject: Re: skirts in mod class question
From: "Mike Taylor" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 21:11:26 -0500
So, if you really want to talk about women running in mod classes,  calling
them "skirts" is almost as bad as calling them "powderpuffs"!

 Note:  This is a (not very good) JOKE" intended to get us all back to a
stress free, enjoyable

Mike Taylor

----- Original Message -----
From: "washburn" <>
To: "Doug Miller" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2000 8:04 PM
Subject: Re: skirts in mod class question

> Doug Miller wrote:
> >
> > hey,
> > the rule book says on page 134:
> > "The sealing of the chassis/body to the ground with skirts is
> >
> > I read this that skirts aren't illegal, as long as they don't SEAL.
> > So I can run skirts as long as there is a gap at the bottom.  ????
> > Am I reading this the same way as everyone else?
> >
> > Also, what is a "skirt"????? I'm assuming it is a vertical piece of
> > something that extends from the body/chassis downwards towards the
> > ground.  ??????????
> At first, I thought this was another ladies class post......  :)
> Sounds like your building something!  Total WAG here, but you may get
> into an interpretation of what "seal" means.  I'm supposing that contact
> with the ground is completely out.  If you were to maintain a consistent
> 1/4" gap could one argue that the same function is being performed,
> although with less efficiency?  (I'm guessing ground sucking down force,
> right?)
> I think your definition of what a skirt is sounds right.  If you have
> some ideas, maybe shooting a letter and some sketches off to to Denver
> might be productive?  Good luck.
> Pat

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