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Re: List Spam solution

Subject: Re: List Spam solution
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 12:52:40 GMT
"Eric Linnhoff" <> wrote:
>Get a life and learn to use the delete key folks.

The proper solution to the problem is not pressing the
SEND key in the first place.

As a former member of the secret organization that runs the
Internet, I will add my $0.02 and say that Mr. Hammond's posts
don't meet the cabal's (TINC) strict definition of spam.  It's
just bad net.etiquette, and poor judgement.  Had his posts
actually have met the spam standards, the fiber-optic-eating
backhoes would have been dispatched to Interland's Atlanta
offices, where they would have taken "off the
air" forever.

I'm inclined to think that Mr. Hammond is just an excited
novice, and is trying to give something back to the sport that
he just discovered.  If this is true, I'm sure that his
efforts would be more appreciated in dragging the cones out
to his local club's site.  Team.Net isn't broken.

>I'll call you stupid to your face too, I'm not shy or two-faced about 
>anything.  I callz 'em as I seez 'em.

With an attitude like that, it's a wonder that somebody
hasn't pushed YOUR delete button a long time ago..... :-)

-Arthur ("Retired dispatcher of the black helicopters" edition.)


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