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Re: 3rd gear/Miata/NEDivs

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: 3rd gear/Miata/NEDivs
From: "Dave Whitworth" <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 17:19:25 -0500
My point was that I don't think that this course favored HP cars just
because it was fast.  NO it wasn't exactly constant speed, but it seemed to
favor HP less than some other courses that I have run.

I don't have exact speed data over 128 logging points of all the courses run
in the last 7.25 years, so I was not (and am not) trying to start an
argument over the overall change in speed over any one course.  It was a
general statement for discussion purposes.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2000 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: 3rd gear/Miata/NEDivs

> (Private Post)
> Are you saying that the Peru Tour course was 'constant speed'?
> If that is your view, we were obviously driving ifferent courses those
> two
> days. . . . . . .
>   Roger
> DA>Correct me if I am wrong, but as someone who is 200-400hp down on my
> DA>competitors, I would rather see a somewhat constant speed course no
> DA>how high that speed may be.  The course at the Peru Tour was just this.
> DA>A course that has tight 180's with areas that allow acceleration after
> DA>are much more advantageous to HP cars.  If you want to slow down the CP
> DA>dinosaurs, use narrow gates and 45' slaloms :)
> DA>As to fairness, aren't we all in classes with somewhat similar cars?
> DA>aren't competing against Corvettes!
> DA>Just some thoughts, and I know the classing system is flawed and we
> DA>beat that subject to death!
> DA>Dave
> DA>>
> DA>> Mark Sirota wrote:
> DA>>
> DA>> > Courses like the Devens NT and the NEDIV Divisionals aren't really
> DA>> > fair, because the classing is designed around a certain type of
> DA>> > course.  Extremely high-speed courses, especially one where the
> DA>> > foot stays on the floor for extended periods of time, favor the
> DA>> > more powerful cars in each class.
> DA>> >
> DA>> > Mark
> DA>>

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