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Re: 3rd gear/Miata/NEDivs

Subject: Re: 3rd gear/Miata/NEDivs
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:03:54 -0500
Mark, et. al:

  This is all fine, but the Book refers to speeds in Stock & SP

  I am not sure what you mean by "fairness"?


MS> wrote:
MS>>   In any case, the Peru event was enough in excess of Rules
MS>> 1.3 and 2.1.A to be a concern.  It sounds like other events are
MS>> also?  (But we must discount competitor reports of calculated or
MS>> observed
MS>> speeds, as they are often exaggerated.  An F/M driver at the
MS>> BFG Event in Oscoda last year reported 100+ mph at the finish line.
MS>> Radar gun had him at 63. . . . . . .)

MS>Ask a mod car driver in a car with gears, and in a class that allows
MS>open gearing.  I can usually tell you how fast I was going within 5 mph
MS>or so, without even looking at the Geez! data.

MS>At NEDiv's, on Saturday in the dry, we were in the upper 70's entering
MS>the fast slalom on the way back.  On Sunday, it may have been a little
MS>faster, except that for us it was quite wet so we were still in the
MS>70's entering the turnaround.  That's in a CM Formula Ford.

MS>The Devens NT was similarly fast, mid to upper 70's top speed on both

MS>I think both events were pushing the envelope in terms of the rulebook
MS>and in terms of fairness, but weren't out of hand.

MS>I'm sure there's someone who can offer similar authoritative data for


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