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RE: Uh oh, M3s in ESP... again! (was: Re: more peru musings)

To: "'Ron Katona'" <>
Subject: RE: Uh oh, M3s in ESP... again! (was: Re: more peru musings)
From: Jeff Winchell <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 16:53:06 -0700
>And at the Solo-II nationals last year he finished 11th in CSP, about
>1.5 seconds SLOWER than the winner.

He's been much closer to the CSP winner's this year.

>Also in the data in that letter, the 1.5% reduction in times assumed for
>the M3 going from BFGs to Hoosiers is a nice touch. _I'd_ be 1.5% slower
>with the BFGs, maybe Bob isn't. I know a lot of road racers who tell me
>that these tires are as fast as anything out there, but are a total and
>complete b*tch to drive. Maybe Bob knows how.

If he did, then why is driving Hoosiers this year?

>Taking the data and subtracting a 1.5% correction factor to
>help make a point is lousy science.

The 1.5% was based on experiments done by people (ask Marcus for details).

If you look at http://PonyCar.Net/ESP/Bob_vs_the_World.htm you'll see
empirical evidence that suggest the 1.5% is low (this analysis concluded it
is 2.1%).

> I'll bet a $1000 on it Ron. And if I get another couple dozen takers,
> perhaps I can recoup the loss I'll take having to sell my ESP ponycar
> because it has no prayer against the M3s.

>M3_s_... or one particular M3?

For me personally, no way I'll be at that level this year or next. That's a
fight for other people. At my level, the issue is with intermediate level
drivers, and many more of them. But people have told me it is more
reasonable to make the case based on comparisons of top driver vs top

>My heart would certainly go out to you. After all, ponycars have a
>mandate from God to be competitive in ESP.

This kind of discussion doesn't illuminate.

>Of course, since I have unlimited wealth (I must, I drive a BMW... right?),
I could donate > my M3 (which I spent the winter modifying to $P spec
because the car is now
>outclassed in AS) to the orphanage and buy a C5 to run in BSP at the
>drop of a hat. No problem... "Oh Jeeves... be a sport and get my
>checkbook. Now write a $45,000 check to Chevrolet old chap."

There are more people affected by the M3 being classed in ESP than it being
classed in BSP (or CSP or whatever).

>And I'd bet $1000 that if Bob had developed and driven a Camaro for the
>past five years, he'd still win that ESP championship this year.

Perhaps so, but this isn't a petition on preventing Bob Tunnell from winning
a championship. It is about whether the M3 belongs in ESP (and it doesn't).

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