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Re: Street Tire Handicap

Subject: Re: Street Tire Handicap
Date: Wed, 12 May 1999 10:39:03 EDT
In a message dated 5/12/99 10:02:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time, GSMnow writes:

<< It looks like you feel you are getting the short end of the stick because 
HStock has been getting so fast lately.  >>

Gary, I'm saving this letter too. I wasn't looking for agreement just ideas 
--  which you have provided so I thank you again.

Hard as it is for people to believe, it is not just the fact that the PAX has 
been going in a direction that has had a negative impact on my autox effort. 
It is just the fact that it changes constantly with no relation to what has 
happened here.

If I had whichever car has been getting the biggest advantage due to the 
changes in the index I still wouldn't like it. 

If a guy beats me more than I beat him this year and next year I beat him all 
the time due to nothing but a change in the index I wouldn't feel that I had 
done anything to be proud of. 


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