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Re: SD Tour..GS Type R's

Subject: Re: SD Tour..GS Type R's
From: Annie Gill <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 09:16:36 -0800 (PST)
Yes, true that Ron Bauer got first in my Type R (Yay!) and Tom Smith
second place in his Type R, but one thing I haven't seen (but haven't
made it through all my messages yet) is anyone notice that the fastest
time of day for GS on Sunday was taken by our speedy buddy Mr. Joe
Goeke in the 3300lb Audi A4 Quattro...  (WAY TO GO TEAM BUTT HEAT!!!)

Everyone in GS and GSL did awesome!  What an amazing class to be in...

Annie Gill
98 Integra Type R
newest member of Team Butt Heat... wrote:
> In a message dated 3/21/99 1:32:13 AM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> << Type R's are 1 & 2 in GS >>
> Ok, so who was bitching that the Eclipse was an Overdog????
> Daniel Ledford
> 99 Mitsu Eclipse GSX

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