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Re: surrey top on a TR6

To: genehart@att.net
Subject: Re: surrey top on a TR6
From: Walt Boeninger <walt.boeninger@hp.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 09:30:15 -0700
genehart@att.net wrote:

> Walt,
> I don't consider the t-top as a real removable top, it's a patch as far as 
conserned. For people that want a convertable without the sound hassles and the
potentially leaky roof.

But you were comparing it to the surry top, so I figgered that was what
you were talking about..... no Corvette ever had a removeable "Surrey top"
But then I'm no expert, I only had a 68 Convert and now a 99 Hardtop.

The convertibles from 50 something til ??  had a removeble hardtop option.....

> It's a cool look and option, the factory got it right the first time on this 

I like ours!  ('74)

> So what years did a real removable middle panel did the corvette have? 

Eh?  All of them since 68 have a removeable panel.....  I think.....
..Which looks like a surry top.  Just not a removeable surry top...

> -------------- Original message from Walt Boeninger : -------------- 
>>Gene Hart wrote: 
>>>Boy I'm going to get flamed for this, but If I waned a Surry top, I'd 
>>>got a Fiat X19 or the Porsche 914. I think the 72 or 73 corvettes had 
>>>something similar 
>>Actually, all Corvette coupes from 1968 to 2005 have a removeable roof panel. 
>>>top for the car, since the steel hardtop was not available before '73. 
>>Is that right? So steel hardtops are quite rare being as they 
>>were only produced for a couple of years? 
>>I didn't know that. 
>>Walt Boeninger 

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