Merry Christmas!, and may 2006 be the best year yet!!
I've seen this occur with PayPal (which I do not have an account with), E-Bay
(which I don't have an account with nor do I shop at), Citi-Bank (same scene,
take 3... no account there), BofA (same scene, take 4...) and a couple others.
I also seem to get three or four offers a week to help embezzle millions of
dollars out of foreign (mostly middle east) banks and trusts. I certainly wish
there as a way to block a sending ISP rather than merely blocking an
individual sender. None-the-less, my Delete key still works just fine.
While in theory sending information over the internet "should" be more secure
than over the phone, I adamantly refuse to send any personal information over
the phone. I don't know what the answer is, other than to give my card number
(over the phone) to venders I'm accustomed to working with. Yes, I've ordered
things off the net in the past, but I'm very careful about it. With 128 bit
encription it should theoretically be impossible to decode anything. But then,
that's what both the Germans and the Japanese thought in WW2.
The best to everybody,
Carl Lotus 61 61/FF/79
----- Original Message -----
To: Tony Drews ;
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 6:34 AM
Subject: RE: E-bay warning
ho-ho-ho don't i know! last week i had my pay-pal password hacked and pay
pal suspended my ability to acess my account! this prompted my calling
them via phone to find out what happened!