>From the standpoint of traffic accident reconstruction, the important 'vector'
is "Delta V", or change of velocity. Although hard to imagine, a change of
velocity from 100 to 80 has exactly the same deceleration as 20 to zero. I
could write for days on all the involved physics, but suffice it to say I
don't wear a HANS and am reluctant to use one. Admittedly, it may be
beneficial in a straight line impact: say straight into the wall at high
speed. How often do we, as road racers, run straight off and squarely into a
fixed, immoveable object? More often we spin off course with the resultant
collision either a rollover or angle impact with the fixed, immoveable object.
Many of you have cited problems with the HANS, specifically the restrictions
to visibility (head turning). I personally consider that a greater hazard. If
you prevent the collision you just might prevent the need for the HANS.
Lastly, if the makers of the thing were so darn concerned about safety they
could further promote its use by charging a reasonable fee for it: not ripping
off everybody with $800 to $1600 each for them! And how do I know that?
Simple... a friend who works with carbon fiber material fabricating prosthetic
devices has offered to make me one any time I want for $100.00.
If you want to wear one, no problem. If you cause a preventable accident
because the thing prevented your seeing the other car, (especially if I'm
driving the other car), then I would be downright "upset" and prone to a
violent reaction due to your negligence.
Washoe County Sheriff's Office, Traffic Division, Major Accident Investigation
Team (retired),
John Yaryan Investigations, Accident Reconstructionist,
Lotus 61 formula Ford