How much time do you have on this oil? Now might be a good time to
completely change the oil in the whole system. Drain the cooler, sump, and
accusump and put in fresh before putting it away for awhile. Start the
engine to let the new oil circulate well then call it quits for the year. I
usually leave the accusump w/o air for the winter then pump it back up
before I start the car. I always leave myself a note on the steering wheel
to remind myself of this task in the spring. Sure is more enjoyable to have
these chores done when it comes time go racin again. Good Luck, Bob
>From: "Lyle Rundhaug" <>
>Reply-To: "Lyle Rundhaug" <>
>To: "Vintage Racing" <>
>Subject: accusumps
>Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 17:16:08 -0600
>I'm preparing the Cortina for the winter months and began to wonder about
>the best way to prepare the accusump. Full of oil under press., full of oil
>w/o press., empty of oil ? Anyone have suggestions?
>68 Cortina GT