Gentle listers,
My apologies to Jim Hill. Our postings crossed in cyberspace. :-)
Jim Brown
> Craig Wright wrote:
> > This thread reminds me of the speech airline flight attendants give
> > take off. Every airline says exactly the same thing as dictated by the
> FAA.
> > Those of us who fly often would probably have no disagreement on safety
> > procedures in case of an accident. Repetition and constancy leads to
> strong
> > habits. Sanctioning bodies should emulate the airlines and reiterate the
> > basic flag rules at EVERY meeting.
> The problem is that after about your third flight, you think you know it
> and you stop listening to what the flight attendant says. A lot of race
> drivers feel the same way about driver's meetings - they tune out during
> parts they think they've already heard (or they skip the meeting
> altogether).
> And the fact is that the racing rules are NOT always the same (and neither
> are the safety features of all airplanes the same, for that matter). It
> to listen even if you THINK you know what's coming . . .
> Jim Hill
> Madison WI