> 2. Is the engine supplying engine oil pressure in the cylinder when it is
> running for future start ups?
Yes, provided you remember to trap it last time you used it and dont have an
"accusump moment" when working on the car. They can be very messy.
> 3. What size accusump do I need. I will be running an 8 quart pan on my
> 1800cc 5 main "B".
Probably 2 quart, but get 3qt if there is room. Dia is the same, price is the
same. Extra 1 qt wont hurt.
> 4. Should I buy a manual and mount it in the passenger side floor?/or buy the
> electric model and mount it in the engine bay, perhaps where the heater was
> on the firewall.
Put it in the engine compartment, where it belongs.
Use an electric version. You will then be almost unique (apart from me) since
everyone I ever talked to told me to get a manual version but I couldn't be
bothered plumbing the pipe thro the firewall. You will also have no lump in the
passenger footwell for "mechanics picnic" passengers to trample on.
Electric works fine and has the benefit that when you forget to turn it off when
you stop, the ignition switch can do it for you. Of course you have another
switch from the ignition so you can exert manual control. Even at a quick idle,
it charges up to 60 psi in 2 or 3 seconds. Since the spring behind the piston
compressed air, it is non-linear, so the easy bit pumps up fast. I have heard
tales where some unfortunate soul ran from idle, flat out thro the gears with
valve open, then spun the bearings because the oil pressure didnt get up there
time. I think these tales are a combination of non synthetic oil, perhaps a
oil pump and beacoup RPM.
On the MG, the easiest place to plumb it is to T off from the oil outlet rear of
the block. The AS then sees pre-filtered oil, which is not ideal, but at least
you dont have to obsess about every little particle which may get stuck in
since the oil filter has yet to be filtered.
Summit makes a cheap one, but I think it is a non piston variety which probably
should be mounted upright.
It sure feels good in April to flick that switch and see the needle zip up to 60
psi, along with a slight gurgling sound, then fire up the MG, knowing that all
its little deelybobbers have been well fed after a long hibernation.