-----Original Message-----
From: MarkSmith [SMTP:smith@eafb.mdc.com]
Sent: Monday, May 19, 1997 1:57 PM
To: MHKitchen@aol.com
Cc: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Pomona Reports??
At 01:51 PM 5/19/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Can anybody out there report on the Pomona event??
As a cornerworker at the event, it appeared to be quite a success. =20
VARA also seems to be cracking down quite hard on bad driving. Lots of
people were sent down for a day, or even sent home for "stupid" =
Overall, fairly good driving, with minimal incidents (except the poor FF
driver who met with a tire wall). =20
Mark "thumbs-up" Smith
Any opinions on this new "points" system that SVRA used at Road America? =
You get points for various driving infractions... but can "work them =
off" by helping at events. Personally, I think this sucks. If a guys =
driving poorly, or is an endangerment to himself or other drivers, how =
is this penance going to cure the problem? Does this policy agree with =
VMC philosophy? Does this agree with you?=20
Judging by the quality level of some of the drivers last weekend... I'd =
say that some organizations must be issuing licenses pretty freely.
Wm. Severin Thompson
Team Thicko