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protecting protective car covers

To: <>
Subject: protecting protective car covers
From: "Kinderlehrer" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 12:23:38 -0800
References: <>
This is a strange question, but where better to ask a strange question?
Actually it is Triumph related, so no apologies!  I have a car cover for my
TR3A that is now so dusty the car stays cleaner with it off than with it on.
The instructions from the manufacturer say not to wash it with detergent as
it will ruin the protective coating. The question is, what then? Everything
made to go into the washing machine says detergent, most of the dishwashing
stuff says detergent, and the only thing I see at the supermarket that
doesn't say detergent are hand soaps that say don't put them into the
dishwasher and I assume they also mean washing machine, but I don't know.

Anyone have any recommendations?


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