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Re: Scam

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: Scam
From: TeriAnn Wakeman <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 08:15:36 -0700
> Allan Markby wrote:
> If soemone can't afford a real email address (there are many that are 
> free)
> then they can't afford an LBC

I just had to run the numbers.  My email account is $17/mo and I've had 
it since '95.

The total amount I have paid for my email address during that time 
exceeds my purchase price of my 1960 Land Rover AND my 1961 Triumph 
TR3A combined.  So I'm not sure your analogy  is the best.

Some people who travel frequently get a yahoo free account so they do 
not have to pay long distance charges to get their email.

Also account names often reflect a person's email roots. email long 
timers that have come up through UNIX patch have a strong tendency to 
have email names that are first initial followed by last name.  People 
who come in through corporate accounts from the early mid-90s onward 
tend to have first name underscore last name.  AOL has always 
encouraged fanciful nicknames.  And there are so many people with yahoo 
addresses that almost all the real names have long been taken and 
people get real creative trying to come up with something that is not 

I just do not think an email account name is indicative of content 
validity.  Besides a good scammer can fake the short headers.

      1960 Land Rover 109, owned since 1978
      1961 Triumph TR3A, owned since 1986 (The new car)

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